Winning the Battle Against Laryngitis: Natural Remedies that Work
Aug 03, 2023 By Marie White

Do you have a sore throat that won’t seem to go away no matter how much tea or honey-lemon concoctions you consume? Chances are, it might be laryngitis. We’ve all experienced this uncomfortable feeling at one point in our lives: the loss of voice and the struggle with speaking without pain. It's annoying and frustrates us as we can't get through day-to-day activities due to losing our main mode of communication! Well, don't worry — there is hope when it comes to winning against laryngitis!

What is Laryngitis and How Can You Tell if You're Suffering from it?

Laryngitis is a condition that affects the voice box, or larynx, causing inflammation and irritation that can make speaking difficult or even impossible. The most common symptoms include hoarseness or loss of voice, a dry or scratchy throat, a constant urge to clear your throat, and difficulty swallowing.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it's important to see a doctor right away. While laryngitis can be caused by a variety of factors, including allergies, infections, or excessive voice use, it's typically a minor illness that can be treated with rest, hydration, and over-the-counter medications.

Natural Remedies to Ease Symptoms of Laryngitis:

Laryngitis can be a real pain in the throat, but luckily there are some natural remedies that can provide relief. One option is to sip on warm water mixed with honey and lemon, which can soothe the inflammation and ease discomfort. Another solution is to gargle with salt water, which can reduce swelling and kill off any bacteria present in the throat.

Inhaling steam from a hot shower or pot of boiling water can help to loosen up mucus and alleviate congestion. These remedies may not cure laryngitis completely, but they can certainly help to make the symptoms more manageable and enjoyable.

a. Gargling with warm salt water:

As much as we try our best, it's hard to avoid getting sick sometimes. When that happens, one common home remedy that could help alleviate symptoms is gargling with warm salt water. It's a simple yet effective way to ease throat pain and reduce inflammation.

The warm water can help soothe and relax the muscles, while the salt works to draw out excess fluids that may be causing discomfort. The saltwater mixture may also help to kill bacteria and reduce the risk of infection.

b. Sipping hot liquids throughout the day:

There's nothing quite like the feeling of holding a warm mug of your favorite hot beverage on a cold day. And beyond just the cozy factor, it turns out that sipping hot liquids throughout the day can actually have some health benefits too.

For one, it can help keep you hydrated - especially important in the winter when we tend to drink less water. Research has shown that drinking hot tea or soup can help soothe a sore throat and even alleviate congestion. So go ahead and brew up your favorite tea or whip up a batch of homemade soup - not only will it provide some much-needed warmth, but it might just do your body some good too.

c. Taking steam inhalations:

Taking steam inhalations is a simple and effective way to provide relief from cold and congestion. It involves inhaling steam from a bowl of hot water infused with essential oils, herbs or menthol. Steam inhalation helps to loosen the mucus and decrease inflammation in the respiratory tract.

It is a natural, non-invasive method that can be done at home without any side-effects. The warmth from the steam soothes the nasal passages, making it easier to breathe. Moreover, steam inhalation also helps to reduce stress and relax the mind. It is a great way to unwind after a long day and take care of your respiratory health at the same time.

d. Humidifying the air in your home or office:

Breathing in dry air can be uncomfortable and even harmful to your health. Luckily, there's a solution that can solve this problem. By humidifying the air in your home or office, you can improve your overall comfort and well-being. Not only does adding moisture to the air help reduce dry skin and other irritations, but it also helps prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria.

Humidifiers can help reduce static electricity and decrease the likelihood of any wooden furniture in the area from cracking or splitting. So why suffer from the negative effects of dry air when you can easily improve the conditions with a humidifier?

Diet Changes that May Help Alleviate Symptoms of Laryngitis:

Laryngitis can be a painful and frustrating condition, but making some simple changes to your diet may help to alleviate some of the symptoms. One thing to consider is cutting back on acidic foods such as tomatoes and citrus fruits, as these can further irritate the already inflamed vocal cords. Instead, opt for foods with a high water content like watermelon and cucumbers, as these can help to hydrate the throat and reduce inflammation.

Drinking warm liquids like tea and broth can soothe the throat and provide some relief. Remember, making small adjustments to your diet can go a long way in managing the discomfort of laryngitis and getting you back to feeling your best.

Herbal Supplements That Can Help Reduce the Severity of Your Symptoms:

The world of herbal supplements can be a bit overwhelming, with endless options to choose from. But when it comes to helping alleviate the severity of symptoms, there are a few standouts. For stomach distress, ginger has long been used to soothe and calm the digestive system.

Turmeric, with its powerful anti-inflammatory properties, can help with joint pain and inflammation. And for those struggling with anxiety or stress, valerian root has been shown to have a calming effect on the nervous system. While always important to talk to your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen, these three herbs have a reputation for easing symptoms in a safe and natural way.

Avoiding Common Triggers That Could Make Your Symptom Worse:

Living with symptoms can be challenging. One of the best ways to manage symptoms is by avoiding common triggers that could make them worse. For example, if you have allergies, avoiding certain foods or being in contact with pollen can prevent symptoms like itchy eyes and sneezing from flaring up.

If you suffer from migraines, avoiding triggers like lack of sleep and bright lights can reduce the frequency and severity of your headaches. By identifying the triggers that worsen your symptoms and taking steps to avoid them, you can improve your quality of life and feel better on a daily basis.

When It's Time to See a Doctor for Laryngitis-related Issues:

Has your voice been feeling strained lately? Maybe you're experiencing difficulty speaking or your voice sounds hoarse. If these symptoms have been persisting for an extended period of time, then it may be time to see a doctor. Laryngitis-related issues can range from mild to severe, but no matter the severity level, it is important to have a professional take a look at your throat.

Your doctor will be able to perform an accurate diagnosis and suggest the best course of treatment to alleviate your symptoms. Don't let ongoing laryngitis hold you back from effectively communicating with others. Schedule an appointment with your doctor today.


As you can see, laryngitis is a common but often ignored condition. It can leave you hoarse or without a voice, and difficulties with speaking, eating and drinking. It is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of laryngitis in order to prevent further damage to your vocal cords. Taking the proper precautions as suggested in this post – such as steam inhalations, gargling with salt water and avoiding known triggers - can go a long way in helping you manage your laryngitis.


What is the best way to treat laryngitis?

The best way to treat laryngitis is to rest your voice and avoid activities that may irritate or strain it.

Are there any natural remedies for laryngitis?

Yes, there are many natural remedies that can help reduce the symptoms of laryngitis.


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Winning the Battle Against Laryngitis: Natural Remedies that Work

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